But our agency doesn’t just enforce the law. We also provide guidance to employees and employers, to make sure they understand their rights and responsibilities. Earlier this week, the Wage and Hour Division made a few revisions to some of our guidance documents that reflect changes to our enforcement of the FMLA in light of the Supreme Court’s recent decision in United States v. Windsor.
These updates remove all references to the Defense of Marriage Act’s provisions that denied federal benefits to legally married, same-sex couples. In light of the Supreme Court’s decision U.S. v. Windsor, the updates clarify the definition of “spouse” for Title I of the FMLA, which applies to covered private-sector employers and any covered public agency. The updated documents can be viewed at these links:
These changes are not regulatory, and they do not fundamentally change the FMLA. They simply recognize that the Supreme Court’s Windsor decision expands the number of employees who...