Welcome sulfur dioxide,
Hello carbon monoxide
The air, the air is everywhere
Breathe deep, while you sleep, breathe deep
Lyrics from HAIR, The Broadway show
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A review of chemical exposures associated with "fume events" on aircraft hears about two UK studies that found low levels of organophosphate contamination.
I attended a meeting of the UK Committee on Toxicity (COT) of Chemicals in Food, Consumer Products and the Environment to discuss our work on oil contamination in aircraft. This was one of a number of projects that were commissioned by the Department for Transport (DfT) following an earlier review, which included: a pilot study to scope methods for measuring air concentrations, analysis of data on the occurrence of fume events in British commercial aircraft, the main study measuring contaminant levels in cabin air and our study of residues on surfaces in aircraft.
Back in 2007 the COT reviewed information submitted by the British Airline Pilots Association (BALPA) about the possible effects on aircrew health from hydraulic fluid smoke/fume contamination incidents in commercial aircraft. These incidents occur infrequently because of small leaks in the engine, which result in a very fine oil mist being carried into the aircraft ventilation system. A key concern is the small amounts of organophosphate compounds present in the hydraulic oils. In their review the COT concluded there was insufficient evidence to show there was a causal association between cabin air exposures, either generally or following incidents, and ill-health in commercial aircraft crews.
Read more:
Oil contamination in aircraftA review of chemical exposures associated with "fume events" on aircraft hears about two UK studies that found low levels of organophosphate contamination.http://johncherrie.blogspot.co.uk/2013/09/oil-contamination-in-aircraft.html