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Showing posts with label World War I. Show all posts
Showing posts with label World War I. Show all posts

Saturday, December 21, 2013

The Flu Is One Gift That We Don't Have To Keep On Giving For People With Cancer

Today's post was shared by CDC Cancer and comes from

It's the holiday season, a time of reflection, celebration and for many, giving gifts. But there is at least one gift that no one wants to get, and certainly no one wants to give: the flu. And for people with cancer, and those they come in contact with, the flu can be a very serious event. For that reason and many more, people more than 6 months old-and especially those in contact with people who have serious illnesses like cancer-should get vaccinated against the flu.
Too many of us think the flu is a minor inconvenience. But that is almost certainly because we confuse the typical cold or upper respiratory infection, which usually means discomfort and maybe a day or two off work.  Influenza is a much different and much more dangerous animal, especially to people with chronic diseases.
Over time we have become somewhat immune to the messages about the dangers of the flu, now that we have vaccinations and medicines which can treat the illness. Few are alive who remember anything about the great influenza pandemic of 1918:
"The influenza of that season, however was far more than a cold...The flu was most deadly for people ages 20-40...It infected 28% of all Americans (Tice). An estimated 675,000 Americans died of influence during the pandemic, ten times as many as in the world war. Of the US soldiers who died in Europe, half of them fell to the influenza virus and not the enemy (Deseret News) An estimated 43,000 servicemen mobilized for WWI died of influenza...
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Thursday, November 7, 2013

"Freedom is never free."

Todays post is shared from the the Library of Congress

As a student of history, I often wonder how many people understand the significance of the date of Veterans Day and why it is always celebrated on the day of the holiday and not, like Labor Day or Memorial Day, observed on a Monday.  The holiday began originally as a commemoration associated with World War I and then expanded to honor veterans of all modern conflicts.  
Armistice Day, 1922 - Woodrow Wilson standing in the doorway of his home
Armistice Day, 1922 – Woodrow Wilson
 standing in the doorway of his home
.  [Source: Prints and Photographs, Library of Congress]
World War I began on July 28, 1914 when the  Austrian-Hungarian empire prepared to invade Serbia in retaliation for the June slaying of the emperor’s heir – Archduke Ferdinand.  Russia entered the war on Serbia’s side while Germany mobilized to help its ally, AustriaFrance and Britain, allies of Russia, were also drawn into the conflict and by the fall 1914, the trench warfare that would characterize the Western Front began.   The United States, however, stayed out of World War I for almost three years.  President Wilson waged a successful reelection campaign using the theme “He kept us out of war.”

However in 1917 Germany resumed their policy of unrestricted submarine warfare in an attempt to to starve out Britain but American losses brought the United States into the war on April 6, 1917.  The...
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