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Showing posts with label outcome based medicine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label outcome based medicine. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Selecting the right surgeon is a big deal

Workers' Compensation was designed to provide the best available medical treatment possible. A good surgical results benefits all stakeholders. The patient has a better outcome, the employer gains an employee who is productive in the workplace, and the insurance company ultimately pays less indemnification by way of permanent disability and a reduced cost for medical follow up care.

Over the decades since its original enactment 1911, the issue of cost of medical care has come to the forefront. Some states, such as New Jersey, prohibit an employee's free selection of a medical provider. Additionally, some employers and their insurance companies have contractually negotiated a best price fee with medical providers and have an established medical care networks, consequently restricting the employee's free selection.

A recent article authored by Peter Scardino is the chief of surgery at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (MSK) focuses on the need to select the best surgeon in order to obtain the best outcome.

“You can think of surgery as not really that different than golf.” Peter Scardino is the chief of surgery at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (MSK). He has performed more than 4,000 open radical prostatectomies. “Very good athletes and intelligent people can be wildly different in their ability to drive or chip or putt. I think the same thing’s true in the operating room.”

The difference is that golfers keep score. Andrew Vickers, a biostatistician at MSK, would hear cancer surgeons at the hospital having heated debates about, say, how often they took out a patient’s whole kidney versus just a part of it. “Wait a minute,” he remembers thinking. “Don’t you know this?”

“How come they didn’t know this already?”

In the summer of 2009, he and Scardino teamed up to begin work on a software project, called Amplio (from the Latin for “to improve”), to give surgeons detailed feedback about their performance. The program—still in its early stages but already starting to be shared with other hospitals — started with a simple premise: the only way a surgeon is going to get better is if he knows where he stands.

Vickers likes to put it this way. His brother-in-law is a bond salesman, and you can ask him, How’d you do last week?, and he’ll tell you not just his own numbers, but the numbers for his whole group.

Why should it be any different when lives are in the balance?

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Hospitals May Soon Be Reaching For The Stars

Should injured workers have the opportunity to select the "best rated" medical provider? The Federal government is looking forward to providing outcome base rating information. The workers' compensation system should utilize that information and allow injured workers to be able make an educated choice in seeking medical care. Today's post was shared by Kaiser Health News and comes from

Star wars may be coming to a hospital near you.

Medicare is considering assigning stars or some other easily understood symbol to hospitals so patients can more easily compare the quality of care at various institutions. The ratings would appear on Medicare’s Hospital Compare website and be based on many of the 100 quality measures the agency already publishes.

The proposal comes as Medicare confronts a paradox: Although the number of ways to measure hospital performance is increasing, those factors are becoming harder for patients to digest. Hospital Compare publishes a wide variety of details about medical centers, including death rates, patient views about how well doctors communicated, infection rates for colon surgery and hysterectomies, emergency room efficiency and overuse of CT scans.

In its proposed rules for hospitals in the fiscal year starting Oct. 1, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services asked for ideas about "how we may better display this information on the Hospital Compare Web site. One option we have considered is aggregating measures in a graphical display, such as star ratings."

Private groups such as Consumer Reports, the Leapfrog Group and US News and World Report already issue hospital guides that boil down the disparate Medicare scores -- along with their own proprietary formulas -- to come up with numeric scores, letter grades or rankings.

But even before it's formally proposed, the possibility of the government rating...

[Click here to see the rest of this article]
For over 3 decades the Law Offices of Jon L. Gelman  1.973.696.7900 have been representing injured workers and their families who have suffered occupational accidents and illnesses.

Read more about "medical treatment" and workers' compensation:
Apr 15, 2013
The main difference is in Nebraska, as long as the worker elects a prior treating doctor to treat their injury (for example, the worker's family doctor), that doctor can dictate the medical care and refer them to others for treatment.
May 18, 2013
While workers' compensation insurance carriers may set approved fees or contract with providers, hospitals have huge disparities in the cost for medical care provided. Additionally, there appears to be no difference in the ...
Nov 16, 2012
New York Worker's Compensation Board's proposed new medical treatment guidelines that will modify 2010 previously implemented. Adopt the new carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) medical treatment guidelines (MTG) as the ...
Jul 03, 2013
Read more about The Affordable Health Care Act: Workers' Compensation: Protecting Healthcare Workers. May 06, 2013. Kerri A. Thom, MD, MS, Assistant Professor of Medicine at the University of Maryland School of ...