American Society for Reproductive Medicine Practice Committee The University of California, San Francisco Program on Reproductive Health and the Environment PDF Format ABSTRACT: Reducing exposure to toxic environmental agents is a critical area of intervention for obstetricians, gynecologists, and other reproductive health care professionals. Patient exposure to toxic environmental chemicals and other stressors is ubiquitous, and preconception and prenatal exposure to toxic environmental agents can have a profound and lasting effect on reproductive health across the life course. Prenatal exposure to certain chemicals has been documented to increase the risk of cancer in childhood; adult male exposure to pesticides is linked to altered semen... |
(c) 2010-2025 Jon L Gelman, All Rights Reserved.
Showing posts with label Women's health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Women's health. Show all posts
Monday, October 21, 2013
Exposure to Toxic Environmental Agents
Thursday, September 5, 2013
Over half the children born in the United States are born to working mothers.1
Many NIOSH studies were done to learn whether women may have reproductive health hazards that may be related to their work environment. NIOSH PublicationsThe Effects of Workplace Hazards on Female Reproductive HealthDHHS (NIOSH) Pub. No. 99-104 (1999) EnEspañol Related ResourcesA longitudinal analysis of total workload and women's health after childbirthThis study involved employed women who were recruited while hospitalized for childbirth. Results included that the time spent on paid and unpaid work was associated with significantly poorer mental health and increased postpartum symptoms during the first year after childbirth. Earlier age at menopause, work, and tobacco smoke exposure Among women older than 25, earlier age at menopause was found among all smokers and among service and manufacturing industry sector workers. Women (particularly black women) age 25 to 50 had an increased risk of earlier age at menopause with both primary smoking and second-hand smoke (SHS) exposure. Control of SHS exposure in the workplace may decrease the risk of death and illness associated with earlier age at menopause in US women workers. Workplace Safety and Women (Podcast) (Running time: 7:41) This women's health podcast focuses on four important issues for women at work: job stress, work schedules, reproductive health,... |
Jon L. Gelman of Wayne NJ is the author NJ Workers’ Compensation Law (West-Thompson) and co-author of the national treatise, Modern Workers’ Compensation Law (West-Thompson). For over 4 decades the Law Offices of Jon L Gelman 1.973.696.7900 have been representing injured workers and their families who have suffered occupational accidents and illnesses.
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