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Wednesday, April 12, 2017

An Increase Predicted of Reported Mesothelioma Cases

Asbestos is a naturally occurring fibrous mineral which was widely used in the manufacture of a variety of products beginning in the late nineteenth century. Although the majority of exposure to asbestos occurred between 1940 and 1980, in occupations such as construction, shipyards, railroads, insulation, sheet metal, automobile repair, and other related fields, exposure continues to this day.

Thursday, March 30, 2017

National Asbestos Awareness Week April 1-7, 2017

S. RES. 98 Designating the first week of April 2017 as “National Asbestos Awareness Week”.

March 27, 2017
03/29/2017 Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent.  (All Actions)
Senator Jon Tester

Mr. Tester (for himself, Mr. Markey, Mr. Isakson, Mr. Daines, Mr. Durbin, Mrs. Feinstein, Ms. Warren, Mr. Merkley, and Mr. Leahy) submitted the following resolution;

Friday, March 24, 2017

NJ Bar Association Seek Re-Nomination of Judges of Compensation and System Wide Procedural Improvements

The NJ State Bar Association is urging Gov. Chris Christie to reappoint qualified workers’ compensation judges who are eligible for tenure.
Read the letter to Gov. Christie here. (March 22, 2017)

The organization also offered proposals to the Division of Workers’ Compensation to promote efficiency in processing formal claims.
Read the letter to the Division of Workers' Compensation here. (March 22, 2017)

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Trump Administration May Bring a Surge in Occupational Disease Claims

Mesothelioma death rates remain high in the US even on the eve of an anticipated national ban of the asbestos fiber. Things may radically change for the worse as the Trump Administration goes forward with its announced intention to dismantle environmental regulation now in place and placed on-track for enactment during the former Obama Administration. With anticipated less EPA and OSHA regulation under the Trump administration, there is the potential for a serious surge of future occupational disease claims in the United States.

Sunday, February 26, 2017

The limits on a total permanent disability award

The New Jersey Supreme Court recently heard oral argument concerning the mathematical limits of a workers’ compensation total disability case. At the heart of the case is the issue of whether an injured worker could have an increase in a pre-existing permanent partial disability [PPT] claim, that existed prior to the last compensable injury which was to another part of the body. The last compensable claim rendered the worker totally and permanently disabled.

Thursday, February 16, 2017

The Consequences of TrumpMedical 2016–25: Price Increases, Aging Push Sector To 20 Percent Of Economy

Workers' Compensation medical expenses mirror some of the national health care projections. An aging workforce and the increased longevity of the population impacts overall all costs. Furthermore as the Affordable Healthcare Act's repeal has been anticipated by the Republican Administration, medical care costs are anticipated to spiral. The draft release of the Republican proposal for a new national medical care system is now being revealed.

Directly and indirectly, workers' compensation coverage will feel the impact. For chronic condition denials, pre-existing condition denials and occupational disease denials, the safety net of Medicaid will be diminished and the workers' compensation system will again be the primary target for payment and litigation will increase logarithmically.

Professional Liability Policy Rescinded For Failure to Provide Notice

A US District Court ruled that a professional liability insurance company was permitted to rescind an attorney's policy for lack of notice. The attorney was instructed to appeal a workers' compensation claim and failed to do so on a timely basis, and did not provide notice to the professional liability insurance carrier under the terms of the policy, or in renewal applications, or when when requested on five occasions.

Liberty Mutual Underwriters, Inc., v Wolfe, et al., Civ. No. 16-2353 (WHW)(CLW) Decided 02/03/2017 (USDCT D.NJ) Unreported 2017 WL 481468