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Wednesday, July 17, 2013

California Trial Starts Against Lead Paint Industry for Creating a Public Nuisance

After years of pre-trial arguments and following the denial of summary judgment motions by lead paint companies, Sherwin Williams and NL Industry, the case brought by several California entities has commenced in California.

"The lawsuit differs from other unsuccessful attempts in seven other states to sue lead
paint manufacturers by arguing the companies violated state public nuisance laws, rather than health laws. Government lawyers won’t have to show that specific individuals were harmed in a direct way, only that the industry assisted in the creation of a public nuisance."

Click here to read the complete article: "$1 Billion Lead Cleanup Lawsuit Underway after 13 Years of Legal Maneuvering" 

Monday, July 15, 2013

Administration Urges Rate Changes for US FELA Benefits

Gary Steinberg, Acting Director Office of Workers' Compensation Programs,  U.S. Department of Labor Acting testified before the Subcommittee on Workforce Protections Committee on Education and the Workforce, U.S. House of Representatives,  on July 10, 2013

"Thank you for inviting me to this important hearing today. As you know, the Department of Labor's
Gary Steinberg, 
Acting Director Office of Workers'
Compensation Programs, 
U.S. Department of Labor,
(DOL) Office of Workers' Compensation Programs (OWCP) administers a number of workers' compensation programs, including the Federal Employees' Compensation Act (FECA) program, which covers 2.7 million Federal and Postal workers and is one of the largest self-insured workers' compensation systems in the world.

I appreciate the opportunity to discuss legislative reforms to FECA that would enhance our ability to assist FECA beneficiaries to return to work, provide a more equitable array of FECA benefits, and generally modernize the program and update the statute. Almost 97 years ago, on September 7, 1916, Congress enacted FECA to provide comprehensive Federal workers' compensation coverage to all Federal employees and their survivors for disability or death due to an employment injury or illness.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Lead Paint - Industry Has Yet to Meet Its Responsibility

Bill Moyers recently interviewed Gerald Markowitz and David Rosner, public health historians and authors of several books, including Lead Wars, about the politics of toxic substances. 

"And the industry said over 50 years ago that this was an insoluble problem, it was a problem of, caused by slums, it was a problem caused by who they called uneducable parents. And so that they washed their hands of the problem and they have still washed their hands of the problem. Parents have played, excuse me, paid the cost of lead poisoning. Landlords have even paid the cost of lead poisoning. The government has paid the cost of lead poisoning. The industry has not paid to get that lead off the walls so future generations of children can be protected." Gerald Markowitz

Click here to see the entire video recording of the program: "Toxic Disinformation" aired on PBS May 17, 2013.

California Public Entity Lead Paint Lawsuit Trial Starts (Bloomberg 7.15.13)

Friday, July 12, 2013

OSHA Targets Occupational Exposure to Isocyanates

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration today announced a new National Emphasis Program to protect workers from the serious health effects from occupational exposure to isocyanates. OSHA develops national emphasis programs to focus outreach efforts and inspections on specific hazards in an industry for a three-year period. Through this NEP, OSHA will focus on workplaces in general, construction and maritime industries that use isocyanate compounds in an effort to reduce occupational illnesses and deaths.

"Workers exposed to isocyanates can suffer debilitating health problems for months or even years after exposure," said Assistant Secretary of Labor for Occupational Safety and Health Dr. David Michaels. "Through this program, OSHA will strengthen protections for workers exposed to isocyanates."

Isocyanates are chemicals that can cause occupational asthma, irritation of the skin, eyes, nose and throat, and cancer. Deaths have occurred due to both asthma and hypersensitivity pneumonitis from isocyanates exposure. Respiratory illnesses also can be caused by isocyanates exposure to the skin. Isocyanates are used in materials including paints, varnishes, auto body repair, and building insulation. Jobs that involve exposure to isocyanates include spray-on polyurethane manufacturing, products such as mattresses and car seats and protective coatings for truck beds, boats, and decks.

New App to Keep Workers Cool and Safe

OSHA has introduced a new application to protect workers from heat-related illness.

"The App allows workers and supervisors to calculate the heat index for their worksite, and, based on the heat index, displays a risk level to outdoor workers. Then, with a simple "click," you can get reminders about the protective measures that should be taken at that risk level to protect workers from heat-related illness-reminders about drinking enough fluids, scheduling rest breaks, planning for and knowing what to do in an emergency, adjusting work operations, gradually building up the workload for new workers, training on heat illness signs and symptoms, and monitoring each other for signs and symptoms of heat-related illness."

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Alleged Claim of Assault by Employer Results in a Dismissal

A car salesman, who alleged that his employer punched him in the ear, was denied workers' compensation benefits. The claimant, who presented a claim for total permanent disability, was unsuccessful, after the trial judge found the worker just not credible.

The judge, Ronald Allen, NJ Judge of Compensation, based his dismissal on the evidence, after the
employer testified that the accident never occurred  the worker never filed a criminal complaint against the employer, and the the employee did not seek immediate medical treatment.

The employer's medical expert, Dr. Aragona, testified that the employee lacked complaints and  the clinical neurological examination was normal.

Furthermore, the Judge found that the petitioner's expert did not take into consideration a serious prior medical condition.

The Appellate Court held that it would not disturb the trial decision as there was insufficient evidence the the trial Judge's credibility determinations were in error.

Schofel v. Route 22 Nissan, NJ App Div A-5924-11T4, Decided July 11, 2013.

Connecticut Employers Shut Down For Not Paying Workers' Compensation Insurance

Today's post comes from guest author Paul J. McAndrew, Jr. from Paul McAndrew Law Firm.

In these tough economic times, many companies aren’t paying basic requirements for their employees like Social Security, income taxes, unemployment, or workers’ comp. This has led states all over the country to start doing spot-checks on construction sites.

Employers beware – protect your workers with workers’ compensation insurance – it’s the law, and states are cracking down. Just this week

Connecticut’s Labor’s Wage & Workplace Standards Division shut down two subcontractors who were helping to build a high-rise in Stamford, CT.

According to the state, the Virginia-based contractors couldn’t provide evidence that their employees had workers’ compensation coverage in the state of Connecticut. With unemployment high and the recession lingering, employers seem to be increasingly taking advantage of the fact that people are willing to work without appropriate coverage.

 It is a real shame that these days so many people are going to work without the protections that they are due under the law.